At first, I did not fully understand how blogging worked until I saw how it is like a conversation. I really like this idea because sometimes students are too shy to add in comments to a conversation. This is a great way for them to be able to speak their mind, without actually speaking. If a child feels uncomfortable saying something to the class, the student could post it on their blog and then the other students would be able to read it. I also think that a blog can be used for so many different things, whether it is a book discussion, or just their own way of expressing their feelings.
I also believe a blog would be great for the parents in your classroom. This would let them express their ideas anonymously and could give the teacher in the room great insight to other activities that they may want to incorporate. It could also help to get parents talking and involved in their students work. The parents would be able to see their children’s blogs to see their progress as well as the teacher.
Blogging can have many different uses and I think that it could fit in anyone’s classroom, it is just about figuring out a way to incorporate it into your classroom. Another useful resource is to go on a look at other schools blogs. It is interesting to see how other schools are incorporating technology, including blogs, into their classroom. This is a great resource and I feel that more teachers should be utilizing this resource.